As usual there are a few owls. 
There are a few species not previously featured in my twenty plus years of making these calendars. Other species will be familiar from recent years – but all these photographs were taken in the last twelve months. 
All the photographs were taken in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada. 
January - Pygmy Owl
January - Pygmy Owl
February - Surf Scoter (male)
February - Surf Scoter (male)
March - Northern harrier and Rough-legged Hawk
March - Northern harrier and Rough-legged Hawk
April - Anna's Hummingbird (male)
April - Anna's Hummingbird (male)
May - Wood Duck ducklings
May - Wood Duck ducklings
June - Common Yellowthroat (male)
June - Common Yellowthroat (male)
July - Barred Owl (juvenile)
July - Barred Owl (juvenile)
August - Violet-green Swallow
August - Violet-green Swallow
September - Northern Flicker (female)
September - Northern Flicker (female)
October - Northern Saw-whet Owl
October - Northern Saw-whet Owl
November - American Pipit
November - American Pipit
December - Barn Owl
December - Barn Owl